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Monday, November 29, 2010

Security For Airports...Security For Health

              When putting into account the outrageous amount of people who die every day from cigarette smoking, it seems there would be a bit more emphasis put into the safety of our fellow Americans caused by smoking than there is put into the possibility of terrorist attacks involving our Air travel. Not only does smoking this poison harm the one doing it but it also puts all who are around them in danger as well. If the dangers of smoking can be overlooked why is there so much attention and action being taken for the possibility of terrorist attacks regarding the recent security changes taking place in our Airports?
                I in no way intend to bash security for airline passengers. I love to travel and I fly at least a few times a year. I am only highlighting the irony involved in the recent extreme measures being taken for Airport security and the lack of anything to fight the threat of second-hand smoke. There are body scanners and pat downs in place to protect us from those who may wish to harm us at the Airports. All the while there are millions of people all over the place who are harming us every day with second-hand smoke. Since there is no way to do away with cigarettes all together, smoking has the ability to continue to in its path of destruction with no end in sight.
                I say if we are going to spend such time, money, attention, etc. on Airport security for the protection of the people in our country then we should spend the same for one of the deadliest killers, one of our biggest threats…Cigarette Smoking.  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Healthcare Subsidies for ONE...Healthcare Subsidies for ALL

According to the blog, Healthcare Reform Leaves Gaps for Federally-Qualified Students, the Healthcare Reform Act should include healthcare subsidies for students who qualify for the TEACH Grant Program. The argument presented holds that since the decision has been made for these students to receive special help from the Government in exchange for their service to society they will be doing, then why not grant the students the ability to continue their hard work with the security that free or affordable health insurance would bring them.

I personally plan to become a teacher as well. I plan to do contract work in a low-income school that will repay a majority of my student loans. This opportunity to have loan repayment had much to do with my decision to return to school. Of course, these reimbursements do not begin until I finish school and begin my teaching career. At this time I will be receiving health insurance that is available to all teachers in the state of Texas. We do not expect the Government reimbursements for services to society until we are actually giving back to society, so how could we possibly expect Government Healthcare subsidies to be given in advance either.

I agree that it would be nice to have insurance while attending college, but why would these subsidies be limited to one particular category of students? We are all working hard to earn our degrees. If we are going to fight for insurance for college students wouldn't it be fair to fight for insurance for ALL college students. Until we finish school we are all doing the same thing. There is no way to judge whose degree does the most good for others. So I say if we are going to fight for insurance then let’s fight for insurance for ALL students. After all, we are the future...ALL of us.